RCD Notes for Emacs is dynamic knowledge repository for general business and life management. It consists of various well known computer assisted programs.

It has features such as address books, CRM or Customer Relationship Management, Website Revision System, mass communication systems such as mailing list manager, SMS bulk communication, call center, the integrated Hyperscope dynamic knowledge repository, invoicing system, with accounting and bookkeeping features, Enterprise Business Planning features, logging, geographic features, WWW Hyperlink indexing, marketing campaign management, real estate management, sales process management, precious metals, gemstones and diamonds inventories, price listings, recruitment features, statistics or graphs, translations and version control.

This website and 57 other websites are created by and managed by using RCD Notes for Emacs. Hyperscope for Emacs database of author handles 62 published pages and 21583 private elementary objects and mixed objects hyperdocuments.

Build your own dynamic knowledge repository.

RCD Notes Features

Sales and Marketing Features

  • Automated sales funnel with email, SMS, letter or fax follow-up communication;

Editing Features

  • Built-in database backed automated version control system

  • Remembering the cursor place when editing the database column values;

Where is the source?

You may get preview of functionality as of 2021-05-20 I have prepared SQL tables only in so far to show the functionality of RCD Notes:

You have to place the files in load-path and make sure that you have emacs-libpq in your load path as well.

Not all key bindings are provided, thus you can try following commands however, majority of tables are not yet included, so you will not get full functionality as of 2021-05-20, I am working on preparation of all tables for new installations.

M-x customize-group RET central-files RET

Enter database name and username with M-x customize-group RET central-files RET

Load mydump.sql

Load the file mydump.sql into the database, you can do that on command line with psql.

M-x rcd-db-tables

The command M-x rcd-db-tables will show all tables in the database

  • press l to list the table, new window will open (if possible)

  • press e to edit the entry in a table

M-x cf-create-account

  • Account is normally organization, but it could be list of people, company and similar. First create account, it could be anything like My family or My children or GNU Emacs users or ABC LIMITED COMPANY

  • edit account, use e to edit entries

  • if you see a foreign key shown, use j to jump to the foreign table entry

  • use d to nullify the entry, for example if you wish to delete the address or similar. Some entries cannot be nullified.

M-x cf-create-contact

Create contact by using M-x cf-create-contact and assign account to that contact.

M-x cf-accounts-list

Use M-x cf-accounts-list to list accounts, l to list people in the account.

Editing full screen

Some fields will be edited in full screen as soon as the string is longer. For example Description of people can be edited in full screen. You may invoke C-u prefix before editing to start full screen immediately. To save editing you have to use C-M-c. Your cursor position will be remembered across all of tables and columns as it is stored in the table emacsplaces

GNU Free Documentation License

Copyright © 2021-05-04 01:09:10.755293+02 by Jean Marc Louis. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License"