Ideas on how to use Hyperscope dynamic knowledge repository

Ideas on how to use Hyperscope Link website

Hyperscope for Emacs may publish to various targets, to local file system, to World Wide Web or other targets, could be Gemini for example. When publishing to WWW then I can think of various ideas related to integrated communication:

  1. Invoke Emacs Function by one key, record the voice note, assign the title to it, describe it and publish it. Assign tags and relate voice note to other objects that are then referenced from the page. Do the same with videos.

  2. Use the text, audio and video to send your message to people who may not be on your favorite messenger, or people who do not read or use emails. Today there are more and more such people.

  3. Become a master communicator. Express yourself concise and details. Reference well your thoughts, ideas, and points you wish to bring across. Use curated lists of elementary objects and mixed objects as references.

  4. Assign the related person to the voice audio or video note and publish it while related person is getting notified about it.

  5. Assign tasks, provide instructions, send URL to the task to the assigned person by SMS, email, letter, dictate the URL by phone.

  6. Assign responsible person to handle the task, integrate audio, video or other files as elementary or mixed objects and protect the WWW communication by password. Security is not ultimate this way. Alternatively, pack everything together in GPG encrypted package and let the assigned person download hole task by using username and password. This would increase the security.

  7. Mix both Org and Markdown files, mix Asciidoctor, ReStructuredText, publish simple text notes, publish whole websites around one subject in one domain.

  8. Prepare a compressed package of elementary objects and hyperdocuments, publish it.

  9. Prepare list or collections of lists of references for your or other people research and publish it.

  10. Add your comments on a specific online video or audio or WWW page published elsewhere and publish such on Hyperscope Link website.

  11. Annotate PDF files published elsewhere and publish your annotations on a static page in Hyperscope Link website. Reference your annotations by using

  12. Publish anonymously your notes, messages, critics, opinions and share URL with public.

  13. [ ] Include self-destructible types. When a hyperdocument is published, it is published then only temporarily and would self-destruct after some time or at specified times. Destruction could be accomplished by the database itself, to invoke a specific at command that will run command job at specified time. Command could be installed on both local and remote servers.



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About Dynamic Knowledge Repositories (DKR)

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hyperscope ideas note-taking

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Copyright © 2021-03-29 12:44:18.97915+02 by Jean Marc Louis. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled “GNU Free Documentation License”