Konsumerschutz.de urgently advises consumers against ordering something from these fake shops / fake shops and paying in advance.
We have seen that these pages do not have an imprint. There is no telephone number, no address, no e-mail address on the homepages. Therefore we have to assume that these are fake shops. We advise consumers never to order from such sites and never pay in advance by bank transfer. Consumers who have ordered from a fake shop (fake shop, fake shop) should file a complaint so that the site is taken offline. We advise consumers to try to get their money back through their bank.
gerdetect.de - no imprint
The domain GERDETECT.DE is known to sell the fraudulent class of long-range locators such as TITAN GER 1000, TITAN 400 SMART DETECTOR and others purportedly able to detect gold on long distances.
Copyright © 2022-01-11 14:51:08.897982+03 by Adele Woodard.
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