Funneling down to find best communicators

Sales funnel is a method to create more and more customers. Today it is very much used online, it existed for decades without Internet. It is process of collecting leads, contacting and interacting with potential customers, obtaining more and more information from customers and thus filtering and resulting with those who are destined for sales.

Recently I have paid for online subscription on a website where people sell various stuff, classified ads, any goods, and some of them like few thousands of peopls also seek for a job. But website is not accessible and contacting people is pain in the ass. Sending a hyperlink to a person is not accessible as the website does not make the hyperlink clickable.

That is where I remembered a friend Alex, from Romania on Fiverr as he was scraping for me a lot of leads from Belgium and Netherlands. So I have hired Alex to scrape all 5000 leads from a website with potential partners, in this case employees. Only that I do not call those people employees as I went them to work equally with me.

Once the data has been prepared in a spreadsheet it was then exported to CSV file, from there on edited with GNU Emacs editor into Emacs Lips data. From there it was processed by using simple scripts to enter information into the PostgreSQL database that I call Central Files.

Temporary Emacs Lisp as this one below was used to process data with success. Don’t look for conventions or errors, it is how it is. I do not even define functions when making temporary scripts. LISP is free language, it does not need to be processed in functional way all the time. Any paradigm is possible with LISP.

(defun leads-import ()
    (insert "\nBEGIN;\n")
    (dolist (lead list)
      (let* ((count (length lead)) 
         (url (car (elt lead 0)))
         (category (car (elt lead 1)))
         (category (concat "WEBSITE-NAME - " category))
         (account (rcd-cf-create-account-if-it-does-not-exist category))
         (position (car (elt lead 2)))
         (phone (if (> count 3) (car (elt lead 3)) "NO-PHONE"))
         (name (format "%s contact-WEBSITE-NAME " phone))
         (name (sql-escape-string name))
         (phone (sql-escape-or-null phone))
         (picture-url (if (> count 4) (car (elt lead 4)) ""))
         (picture-filename (file-name-nondirectory picture-url))
         (description (if (> count 5) (car (elt lead 5)) ""))
         (description (format "URL: %s\nIMAGE: %s\nCATEGORY: %s\nPOSITION: %s\n\n%s"
                  url picture-url category position description))
         (description (sql-escape-string description))
         (country 224)
         (sql (format "INSERT INTO people (people_account1,
    people_lastname, people_mobilephone, people_country1, 
    people_leadsource, people_description) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);\n" account name phone country 12 description)))
    (unless (string-match "NO-PHONE" phone)
      (insert sql))))

Once information has been imported into the database, I had to devise few functions for SMS communication. I use various mobile applications to send SMS such as KDEConnect, or ShellMS, or Termux Tools. This time I have used ShellMS application.

(defun termux-sms-send (number text)
  "Send SMS message by using ShellMS application"
  (let* ((text (termux/escape-quotes text))
       (format "am startservice --user 0 -n -e contact %s -e msg \\\"%s\\\"" number text)))
    (termux/send-command command)))

It was then easy to list people by gender, skills, education background, vocation and similar arguments. Sending SMS from computer helped in detecting which people are communicated more and which are better candidates. I need interested people.

I could then observe following:

Then on the end of the day I count interactions with people. Without counting interactions it would be harder to filter out which one communicated more among all of them. I have contacted more than 750 people in one day. Many responded back, just few refused, majority is stuck on reading a simple page in English.

So the number of interactions is then later showing me the top ten, among those I cna then choose my dream team. I am counting interactions with Emacs Lisp functions like these.

(defun cf-count-interactions (id)
  (let* ((email (cf-count-email-interactions id))
     (calls (cf-count-calls-interactions id))
     (sms (cf-count-sms-interactions id))
     (notes (cf-count-notes-interactions id))
     (marks (cf-count-marks-interactions id))
     (files (cf-count-files-interactions id))
     (hyperdocuments (cf-count-interactions-hyperdocuments id))
     (introductions (cf-count-introductions-interactions id))
     (count (+ email calls sms notes marks introductions files)))

For the person’s ID I am then counting number of calls, SMS sent back and forth, notes, emails sent back and forth, marks, files associated to the person, hyperdocuments as stored in the Hyperscope for Emacs and number of introductions of other people. Almost everything counts, I consider those numbers for now equal to each other and I add them together to get the final interaction count.

I have to filter out people who communicated more as those are which I wish to follow, which I also like and consider better candidates. But communicating all day long with 700+ people by email, SMS, phone is not easy without a good CRM or Customer Relationship Management system. Each time somebody calls me, I put a note, each time I respond on all communication.

Then I get a list like this one below, with names edited out.

358527     23         John Doe
355773     13         Peter John
356381     10         Joyce Master
358437     9          Jimmy Micky
359130     8          Evelyne Blade
356202     8          Sharon Stone
355746     6          Esther Easter

And that is where I find out that John Doe and Peter John and Joyce Master communicated more that day, then I can easily follow up those people in the top ten list.

Next step will be meeting those people and engaging in the business.

This is one of the numerous sales funnel processes that one may use to reach to results.

Related hyperdocument tags

communication sales marketing sales-funnel recruitment business

GNU Free Documentation License

Copyright © 2021-04-06 21:29:15.423584+02 by Jean Marc Louis. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled “GNU Free Documentation License”