Emacs Lisp: sudo and fan-speed control from Emacs

These Emacs Lisp functions help me to control fan speed on Lenovo Thinkpad laptops. With some adaptations they may work on other laptops as well.

(defun sudo (arguments)
  "Executes list ARGUMENTS with system command `sudo'."
  (let* ((command (format "sudo su -c -- root -c \"%s\"" (string-join (list arguments))))
     (return (shell-command-to-string command)))

(defvar my-fan-proc-file "/proc/acpi/ibm/fan")

(defun fan-speed (arg)
  "Controls fan speed provided user has superuser rights and system
command `sudo' works without password. Function will mostly work
on Lenovo Thinkpad notebooks. Prefix argument ARG shall be
numbers from 1 to 9. Numbers from 1 to 7 determine the fan speed
level, number 8 represents auto fan speed level and number 9
represents full fan speed. Activate with `C-u NUMBER M-x
fan-speed'. If invoked without arguments it will show the
contents of the fan control file."
  (interactive "P")
  (when (and (file-exists-p my-fan-proc-file)
         (rcd-which "sudo"))
    (if arg
    (cond ((= arg 7) (sudo (format "echo level %s >> %s" arg my-fan-proc-file)))
          ((= arg 8) (sudo (format "echo level auto >> %s" my-fan-proc-file)))
          ((= arg 9) (sudo (format "echo level full-speed >> %s" my-fan-proc-file)))
          ((and (< arg 7) (> arg 0)) (if (y-or-n-p (format "Really set fan speed to %s?" arg))
                         (sudo (format "echo level %s >> %s" 7 my-fan-proc-file))))
          (t (message "Supply better numeric argument to this function from 1 to 9.")))
      (message (file-to-string my-fan-proc-file)))))

GNU Affero General Public License Version 3

Copyright © 2021-03-29 22:43:35.917913+02 Jean Louis

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